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Spotlight On New Technology® Award of the OTC 2022 goes to Bosch Rexroth

World’s smallest electric subsea valve actuator SVA R2 reduces carbon footprint. The “Spotlight On New Technology® Award" from the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC 2022) recognizes the Subsea Valve Actuator SVA R2 as a disruptive innovation of Bosch Rexroth for a quantum leap in minimizing the carbon footprint of subsea oil and gas production.

Spotlight On New Technology® Award of the OTC 2022 goes to Bosch Rexroth
Hand-over of Spotlight On New Technology® Award 2022 to Bosch Rexroth for a disruptive innovation minimizing carbon emission of subsea installations (from left): Brian Miller, OTC Board of Directors, Dr. Alexandre Orth, Head of Subsea Automation Systems, Bosch Rexroth AG and Dr. Michael Schmitt, Senior Vice President Technical & Engineering, Bosch Rexroth Corporation.

It can replace currently used hydraulics completely, increasing the energy efficiency, and reducing environmental risks for sensitive subsea ecosystems. The SVA R2 fits in the envelope of hydraulic cylinders in existing use, offers field-proven safety, open interfaces and low voltage supply. Qualified for up to 4,000 m water depth, the SVA R2 reduces CAPEX and OPEX in existing and new subsea installations.

Spotlight On New Technology® Award of the OTC 2022 goes to Bosch Rexroth
Compact, safe, efficient: The SVA R2 electric subsea valve actuator from Bosch Rexroth replaces the hydraulic cylinders that were previously required in the subsea process industry.

The jury of the Spotlight On New Technology® Award is convinced that the electric SVA R2 will make a difference by reducing the energy consumption of subsea installations significantly. It can completely replace miles of hydraulic pipes and the hydraulic power unit aboard. The SVA R2 actuates small rotary bore valves with just 24 V DC according to Subsea Instrumentation Interface Standardization (SIIS) Level 2 electric interface. It provides 225 Nm torque with just 36 W, which complies to the subsea electric grid for sensors, and allows 4 actuators to work sharing one single power supply line of 96 W. Bosch Rexroth utilizes field-proven mechanical springs without electric batteries. With an integrated motion control and condition monitoring, SVA R2 satisfies Safety Integrity Level up to SIL 3 from IEC 61508.

Spotlight On New Technology® Award of the OTC 2022 goes to Bosch Rexroth
The SVA R2 offers a field-proven safety, open interfaces and low voltage supply. The set up reduces both, CAPEX and OPEX in existing and new subsea installations.

Standardized interfaces for ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) Class 2 / 4 according API 17H / ISO 13628-8 and SIIS L2, and a lightweight construction simplify handling by subsea robots. Using reliable industrial and automotive components, the SVA R2 is designed for a productive service time of 25 years.

Full scale prototypes performed function and safety tests according to API and ISO standards on a specially built test bench for subsea applications.

To verify its application up to 4,000 m water depth, endurance tests were performed in a hyperbaric pressure chamber with far more load cycles than required for the TRL 4 qualification according API 17. The first pilot applications in subsea equipment are starting in the third quarter of 2022. Considering the potential to scale up this principle to any size and type of rotary subsea valves, this technology is an important milestone enabling the completion of the ALL-SUBSEA FACTORY, helping the offshore industry to reliably provide the energy the world needs with the minimum impact on the environment–for a low CO2 future. In addition, the SVA R2 is suitable for other applications both below and above water such as green hydrogen production, CO2 storage, and general applications in the process industry.

Spotlight On New Technology® Award of the OTC 2022 goes to Bosch Rexroth
The actuators can replace the hydraulic cylinders previously used on a 1:1 basis. It requires only one cable for the power supply and communication. Miles of hydraulic pipes along with the associated power units and controllers are no longer required.

The Subsea Valve Actuator SVA R2 was already awarded the prestigious Hermes Award at the Hannover Messe 2021. The Spotlight On New Technology® Award is the most important award in the offshore industry worldwide and underlines the potential of this
disruptive innovation to actuate subsea production and process plants more sustainably.


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