
EMO: debut for two new TNC functions

Discover the new OCM and grinding TNC functions live at EMO 2019.

EMO: debut for two new TNC functions
The new Optimized Contour Milling (OCM) functionality gives you an expanded option that allows you to program trochoidal milling for any pocket and island from your control on the shop floor. You simply define the contour.

The control then automatically calculates the best trochoidal strategy. You can thereby leverage highly efficient trochoidal milling for a much wider range of parts and mill more productively with less tool wear.

In addition, on your machining center with the TNC 640, you’ll soon be able to not only mill and turn but also grind in a single setup. The new functions for the jig grinding of any contour are programmed using the same operating design as the already existing machining operations.

The control’s optimized tool management functionality supports you in every process, including dressing operations, so that you can give your workpieces the perfect surface finish.


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